
Mapping cerebellar function across cognitive domains

In recent years, the cerebellum has been increasingly implicated in both cognition and clinical conditions. These findings views of the cerebellum as a purely motor structure. By reviewing recent advances in mapping cerebellar function social, …

Semantic speech networks linked to formal thought disorder in early psychosis

Background and Hypothesis. Mapping a patient's speech as a network has proved to be a useful way of understanding formal thought disorder in psychosis. However, to date, graph theory tools have not incorporated the semantic content of speech, which …

Capturing fragmented speech in schizophrenia with natural language processing and graph theory

Semantic speech networks capture formal thought disorder in psychosis

Using natural language processing and graph theory to understand disordered speech in schizophrenia

Cerebellar GABA change during visuomotor adaptation relates to adaptation performance and cerebellar network connectivity

Capturing fragmented speech in psychosis using Networks of Transcribed Speech

Towards transcribed speech networks as a marker for psychosis risk

Recent work has shown that incoherent speech is a powerful predictor of psychosis. Predicting psychosis risk from speech data could revolutionise healthcare for psychosis, for two reasons. First, there is a pressing clinical need for tools to aid …

The role of disorganised speech in psychosis

Incoherent speech has emerged as a potential predictor of psychosis. Predicting psychosis risk from speech data could markedly improve healthcare for psychosis. In this talk, I will review existing tools for predicting psychosis risk from speech …

GABA in primary motor cortex and cerebellum underpins adaptation and retention